Saturday, December 30, 2006

I joined a biker gang

Yesterday I rode around Hanoi on a little motorbike. It looks scary, but was a lot of fun. I almost hit a bus and I hit some guys tire. He gave me the dirtiest look I've ever seen. I barely hit him. I'm having a blast! I can't believe it is only my second day in the country.


Spectre6 said...

There for two days, and you're already making friends with the natives? Wow, you move fast.

Oh, wait, that wasn't a euphamism, was it? You really hit his tire? Was it mounted on a moving vehicle at the time, or was this a guy carrying his family tire around? I know I'd be pissed if you hit my family tire.

BTW: I don't see any fracking pictures!

- Christopher's Dad

lawngnomelover said...

It was attached to his car at the time. I barely tapped him.

As for pics, I am barely making time to write things, pics will come later.